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The price for  group guided tours is  €3.50 and up per person. Discover the splendor inside the  palace and its beautiful gardens.

We create tailor made tours based on  your group’s needs.


Our groups’ proposals for  lunch or food tasting in Caprarola:  Agriturismo  located on  Cimini Mountains, or a typical restaurant  in Caprarola. The ideal proposals for a lovely lunch before or after an excursion to Caprarola or other sites of Tuscia.

The price is €15.00 and up per person.

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Farnese Palace in Caprarola, is a Majestic building, and represents one of the most fascinating renaissance dwellings in Europe.
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Farnese Palace in Caprarola is a Majestic building and represents one of the most fascinating renaissance dwellings in Europe. Initially conceived as a defensive structure, the palace was commissioned by Alessandro Farnese to Antonio Sangallo Il Giovane, one of the most important architects for military structures in Italy in ‘500. The architect designed an imposing structure with a pentagonal basement, but Alessandro interest of realizing the palace faded when in 1534 became Pope. The pontiff’s nephew called Alessandro Il Giovane, after 30 years, restarted off the construction works. He chose Caprarola as a place to seek refuge in order to drift apart from his families predicaments due to the disputes with other noble families over the papacy’s power. The healthy air and the strategic position, spurred Alessandro to entrust, in 1555, the continuation of the construction works of the palace to the architect Jacopo Birozzi da Vignola named Vignola.  It is in this moment that the old project of the fortress changes into a splendid renaissance palace. Not to forget the incredible work of Vignola, who was able to design a prestigious palace above pre-existing massive basements, creating a harmonious environment. It is a 5-story building, and its basement has remained pentagonal, a memory of the old project as a defensive structure.   The palace inside features a circular beautiful garden. One of the most representative rooms is “Stanza del Mappamondo” (world map Room), which owes its name by the frescos which illustrate the world known by the descriptions of travelers, painted by Antonio da Varese.  The prime floor of the palace is the Noble floor: it is divided into two areas: appartamento di inverno (winter apartment) and appartamento d estate, (summer apartment), for a total of 15 rooms including the cardinal bed named Aurora Room, and the celebrity room named Stanza dei Fasti Farnesiani, (room of Farnesiani splendors) decorated by frescos which tell the life of Farnese.

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